Good product and nice service isn't enough anymore

Catarina Hutzler
4 min reading time
This week we are having an initial meeting with a customer. One of the first statements: “Somehow it just doesn't work like it used to. It can't go on like this. ”

And he is right about that.

It's nothing new: Times have changed.

It is no longer enough to sell a good product with great service...

  • If this is not communicated to the outside world
  • When marketing looks like it did 20 years ago
  • When companies do not adapt to the needs of their target group

The demands placed on a functioning, popular brand have changed.

Of course, the base must be right. The product.


  • Does this also show your appearance to the outside world?
  • Are you using the right channels to reach your target group?
  • Do you regularly address the topics that concern your target group? (e.g. sustainability)

How do you see that? And what hurdles do you have to overcome in your business? 🚀